Competition is public and consists  of two rounds.

Order of contestants is determined by lot. Every contestant has to be present at the ballot.

Contestant is responsible for time schedule monitoring of his category and to be in competition room at latest during the performance of previous contestant.

Compositions in individual rounds can not be repeated. Singing by heart is the main requirement.

If required by jury, contestant will provide jury with music materials.

Winners of individual categories are obliged to perform at the winners' concert.

At presentation ID should be submitted.

Performance of the contestants is evaluated by international jury of five members through number of points, every member of the jury evaluates within the scale from 1 up to 25.

The member of jury does not evaluate the contestants who are his/her students.

Evaluation of a round – in each case one of the lowest and one of the highest number of points is annulated; other three point-evaluations are summed and divided by three. Average gained this way will be rounded on two decimal place.

Contestants will proceed into the second round if she/he gains 18 and more points in the first round.

Overall number of points is the average of point evaluation and the second round.

Final order of the contestants and main prizes award in each category is determined on the basis of overall number of points.

In the case of equality of resulted number of points, jury will vote for the final placement.

Award of special prizes does not report to point system, only jury will decide about their awarding.

Decision of the jury is definite.

Contestant competes with his/her own accompanist, eventually with accompanist that will be provided by organizer according to the request in application form.

Contestant who requires services of home accompanist will be present at rehearsal with accompanist one day before the 1st round will take place.