Female singers up to the age of 35

1st prize
Michaela Kraus | Slovakia

2nd prize
Katarzyna Ćwiek | Poland

3rd prize
Jiheon Lee | Germany

Honourable mention
Monika Jägerová | Czech republic
Tereza Hořejšová | Czech republic

Special Prizes

Interpretation prize of the Opera of Slovak national theater
Katarzyna Ćwiek | Poľsko

Interpretation prize of Music Center
Belinda Sandiová | Slovakia
Michaela Kraus | Slovakia

Interpretation prize of theensamble Musica aeterna
Renata Bicánková | Czech republic

Interpretation prizeof the Board of Education and Culture, Slovak Conference of Bischops for best interpretation of sacred music
Tereza Hořejšová | Czech republic

Interpretation prize of Art AIR Centre Dolný Kubín – Chambre performance at International Music Festival Orava Music Autumn
Michaela Kraus | Slovakia

Award of Music Found for the best interpretation of slovak composer
Belinda Sandiová | Slovakia